Why Taiwan beef noodle soup?

This past fall we ventured to Taiwan on the Montana Governors Trade Mission. Governor Greg Gianforte and his wife Susan rounded up a variety of business founders, farmers, and innovators and headed to Taipei. We were welcomed throughout the city by warm smiles and wonderful food and drink.

One of our favorite dishes was the Famous Taiwan Beef Noodle Soup! We are excited to serve this fabulous dish once a month at Andy’s Crafthouse.

The history behind Taiwan beef noodle soup, our favorite dish in Taipei, has its roots in the late 1940s, following the Chinese Civil War. Migrating soldiers from the Sichuan province introduced spicy beef noodle dishes, which then melded with local Taiwanese flavors, leading to the creation of this iconic dish. Comprising tender beef, robust broth, hearty noodles, and warm spices it melds together like Taiwan's. We enjoyed it from street vendors to tiny mom-and-pop restaurants and the finest hotels. Our hosts told us that Taiwanese beef noodle soup not only symbolizes comfort and warmth but also tells a story of cultural fusion and adaptation.